Political assassination is a particularly grim, disturbing, and important subject. Murder alone is awful, but violence against a political lea…
“We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The myst…
One of the privileges of our blessed life is the interesting people we meet. From carpenters to old timey moonshiners, to movie stars and coun…
The things one learns while doing the kind of deep-dive research required to provide you with cutting-edge material that you can toss out to y…
Those of us who grew up in the south watching TV in the “baby boomer era” surely remember these names: Jackie and Tojo.Those of us who grew up…
One way to measure the power of conservative policy proposals is to monitor the reaction of the left.
“Black jobs”?It’s a simple phrase, but what does it mean?