This letter is in reference to the city of Forest Park Police Chief, Dwayne Hobbs. Monday, Oct. 1, he was terminated by the mayor and city council after more than 40 years of service to the city. After false allegations, the mayor and council told Chief Hobbs that they just wanted “to move in a new direction.” What is this supposed to mean? The city already has one of the best police forces in the state. This is a travesty and the mayor and council should be ashamed for what they have done to a man who has dedicated his life to protecting the citizens of Forest Park. He has the respect of his officers, staff and all who know him. His officers are professional, courteous and fair to all. They have been trained by the best to be the best.

I have known Dwayne Hobbs 48 years. From his years as a star basketball player at Forest Park High School through his career in public safety. He is admired by many as someone you can count on to get the job done. Chief Hobbs’ predecessor, Public Safety Director Joe Picard, knew he had someone special when Hobbs joined his force. With a strong work ethic and the ability to work with citizens of all races, he soon moved up the ranks from officer to detective and assistant to the director. The former director took Hobbs under his wing and groomed him over the years in hopes he would take his place upon retirement. When that day came, Hobbs knew he had big shoes to fill, and he was well trained and up to the challenge. He took the reins and had all the support of the department behind him.

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