Vice President, Master Facilitator & Leadership Coach
Bluepoint Leadership

4:15 pm

4:15pm-5:00pm True Grit: Coaching for Resilience and Inner Strength

General Session

Have you ever wondered why some people remain unshakeable amidst life’s greatest challenges?  Have you noticed how some individuals thrive during times of change, while others seem to stall?  This session will examine how we can equip our leaders, our teams, and ourselves to better manage the persistent change we are seeing inside organizations today and the associated change fatigue.

In this interactive session, we will explore why grit matters during times of change, while also providing you with tools and techniques that can help you grow your own organizational grit, as well as ways to coach others to build theirs. 

In this session, you will learn:

  • What Grit looks like and why it is important in today’s organizations
  • What Grit looks like for you and how it might look different for those around you
  • Coaching techniques/tools helpful in building grit and resilience